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“Sovereignty” ~

Is GOD Sovereign ? Over me? What is “SOVEREIGNTY” ?

“Sovereignty of GOD” is: HIS (absolute right) to do all things - according to his own good pleasure. GOD [created] Everything, everything belongs to HIM. The Earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the very air that we breath, HE created it all, therefore it ALL belongs to HIM. HE IS THE OWNER. HE possesses supreme dominion; as a sovereign ruler of the universe. So - Is GOD’S “sovereign” over me? GOD is sovereign -and- HE is always in control. GOD does whatever pleases HIM. And what pleases HIM most, is to provide love for us, and to care for us, in exchange for us doing what is truthful and right to HIM in return, and for us to follow the same rules towards each other. HE decides whether we can do what we have planned. Nothing that happens in our lives is ever out of GOD’S control. Have you ever thought that things in your life are out of control? Maybe someone you love has been injured in an accident or died of a terrible disease. Perhaps your family is having a hard time because one or both of your parents have lost their jobs. Maybe someone is being mean to you or treating you unfairly. When you are sick, or when troubles come, you must believe that GOD loves you and that everything is under HIS control. HE will do what is best for you - even though you may not think the situation is good. The Bible says, And we know that for those who love GOD all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). Nothing that happens to you is too ‘BIG’ or too small for GOD not to know about. Nothing is too much for HIM to control it. When you can’t understand why things happen, just remember that GOD is in control. You can trust your loving Heavenly FATHER. HE is never helpless, never frustrated, never at a loss. And in CHRIST JESUS, when we follow GOD’S will GOD’S awesome, sovereign providence is the place we feel most reverent, most secure, most free. JESUS died not only to offer redemption

to the world, but also to bring HIS people to HIMSELF, to overcome their rebellion, and to gather them omnipotently to HIMSELF. *”Omnipotently” means: HE has unlimited or universal power and authority, all-powerful. Sin and suffering exists in the universe as a result of rebellion. Through CHRIST, GOD display’s the greatness of HIS sovereign Power and glory and through HIS grace towards us, CHRIST’S suffering and love for us overcome’s our suffering. “JESUS” ~ “YESHUA” is: The risen and reigning KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS. HE rules over this world and over HIS mission with absolute sovereignty. Nothing is outside HIS sovereign will. If HE meets with resistance, HE either allows it for HIS purposes, or HE overcomes it for HIS purposes. HE uses all things for HIS good will and purpose. Psalms 100:5 “For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” One day, the sins of this earth will be forever gone - and we will dwell with JESUS CHRIST, and HE will dwell with us (together) in peace and in harmony. Until then, we need to accept GOD’S offer of “mercy and grace” for us, by accepting CHRIST JESUS He still loves you and wants you to come to know HIM. If you do not yet know HIM, won’t you accept GOD’S gift of love today? . No matter how many mistakes you’ve made, no matter how unworthy you think you are, HE still loves you and wants you to come to know HIM. If you do not yet know HIM, won’t you accept GOD'S gift of love today? It’s been paid in full for you at the cross by CHRIST JESUS.

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